Instructions for speakers
Oral presentations
- plenary and invited lectures: duration according to the programme
- oral presentations of the best papers: 10 minutes for presentation + 2 minutes for discussion
- presentations may be in English
- lectures are kindly asked to adhere to the time set for oral presentations
Instructions for presentations
- PCs will be used at the Symposium; presentations should be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) (2003 or later). Macintosh users must export their presentation as an MS PowerPoint file
- Videos need to be compressed. There are many formats and codecs, but we recommend .mp4 video H.264 video and AAC audio (MPEG-4 AVC)
- LCD projector format: The standard projector format in congress halls is 4:3
- lecturers are kindly asked to hand in their presentation to the congress agency technician no later than 2 hours before the beginning of the section during which the lecture is taking place in the corresponding congress hall
- If you do not wish to make any last-minute changes the presentation during the Symposium, you may send it in prior to the congress to the e-mail address: danijela@conventuscredo.hr by September 25, 2022, then you are not obliged to hand in your presentation onsite
- if you would like to present your paper from your laptop, please notify the organiser beforehand at: danijela@conventuscredo.hr
- for all technical questions, please contact the organiser through the e-mail address above
- the presentation format is a PDF document measuring 1920×1080 pixels (horizontal format)
- e-posters in the specified form should be sent no later than September 01, 2023 to the e-mail address: danijela@conventuscredo.hr
- e-posters sent after this date will not be accepted for presentation, except in the form of an abstract in the Book of Abstracts
- for all questions regarding the creation of an e-poster of the specified format, please contact the same e-mail address